Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Damn Tip

I popped down to the local tip today, I'm all for recycling and I had some old Mountain Bike tyres that I needed to throw out.

Now the tip is split into different areas depending on what you want to recycle, so I drove to the various parts and unloaded by stuff, finally I spotted a pile of car tyres so I figured that is where I should put by bike tyres, so I drove to that place. As I was about to throw the tyres onto the pile one of the site supervisors stopped me... "Hey... that's for car tyres only, those need to go in the Non-Recyclable bin"... of course this was the other side of the yard where I had already been to, anyway, my mistake so I walked across the yard to this area.

I was just about to throw the tyres into the recycle bin when another supervisor (a different one) stopped me and said... "Hey... those should go on the car tyre pile over there"... I stopped looked at him and uttered the immortal phase "are you guys taking the piss or what... I've just been sent over here by that supervisor there as he said these don't go on the car tyre pile"

Anyway... I made him take my tyres back to the pile of car tyres..... of course as I was walking back to my car which was still parked next to the pile of car tyres, I thought maybe that was a little selfish making him carry them when I'm walking back.... sod it I thought.


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